~Call of Duty 5 review~


it's holiday now so i can't resist the temptation to play all the latest game...hu2..

this one is one of my favorite games...it's call of duty! not only me..most claim it's their favorite franchise..^_^

hmm..i do play a lot of games..but i didn't finish most of it..but call of duty is a different kettle of fish..

before making any review..i feel the need to mention that i have played and finished c.o.d since call of duty 2 ..call of duty 4..and now call of duty 5!=)

before playing the game..i have expected the usual feature of call of duty~

-of coz it's about war...~
-very havoc!

-suspense at an unprecedented level(i think so)~
-superb graphic at minimum load on gpu(i do compare it with other games)
-high 'replay value'

we've seen call of duty2 setting in ww2(world war2) and then cod4 set a new trend in modern warfare..

now back to ww2!

in the game we will take part as an us soldier and as a Russian soldier...

some screenshot..

some glitch...

*i dont think they supposed to be float..^_^

i set all the setting to high at 1024*768..antialias 4x..

my verdict..~


*i like Japanese snipers on the coconut trees..^_^

Comments (2)


November 29, 2008 at 6:05 PM

gua main red alert 3 bai!!!
bez giler.....
lagi upgrade dari red alert 2!!!
try ar main pelbagai genre game!!!
fps je, main ar rpg plak ke, mmorpg,
strategy, dll!!!! gyahahahaha


December 1, 2008 at 11:38 AM

hu2..dh men pn red alert 3...jgn riso..sume game layan...nnti ak tulis skit..fallout3 pn bbrpe minggu lpas dh abis...