Web 2.0? Web 3.0?

Honestly saying, I am quite confused the first time the term 'web 2.0' appeared in my life. I thought the Internet would have massive update and would be transmogrified into another version. After a few researches, I went wrong just like others.

Web 2.0 is rather of idea on what the development of Internet is going through. The infrastructure is just the same, but the application and services keep expanding. If a decade ago Internet is used for only checking mail or searching information, nowadays it goes beyond it; besides, it involves in many parts of our life.

Then, before the deeper understanding of web 2.0 could be achieved, I was provoked with a newer term, 'web 3.0'. If we take a look of it, certainly this represent a higher development of Internet than web 2.0. Web 2.0 pictures the Internet nowadays, Web 3.0 renders the Internet in the future. In this country we might have satisfied with what we get in this day, but believe me the Internet can achieve more. Web 3.0 is described in Wikipedia as 'an Intelligent Web'. In this case, the Internet will not only serve for human, but also understand human's need. There are also other aspects in this web 3.0 such as ubiquitous connectivity and distributed databases.

Web 3.0 reminds me about 'cloud computing', the application which consumers use a centralized services and hardware through Internet connectivity. Companies will provide those things; consumers only need to pay for their services and there is no need for consumers to buy extensive hardware and software for their use. So, if the consumers want to save a terabyte data, they just don't need to buy a terabyte hard drive. They just upload it to the central data storage, and they pay for the service only. This also applies to software and others which can be accessed online.

I don't think my explanation will satisfy you. So, I provide some links for reference.

Wikipedia:Web 2.0
Wikipedia:Web 3.0
Wikipedia:Semantic Web
Cloud Computing

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